Tektronix 7L13 for Rent, Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer
Order #: 7L13-RENT2
Mfg #: 7L13
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Tektronix 7L13 for Rent, Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer
Order #: 7L13-RENT2
Mfg #: 7L13
Tektronix 7L13 Highlights
The Tektronix 7L13 Spectrum Analyzer is a triple-width plug-in high-performance communication spectrum analyzer that plugs into and operates with the 7000-series mainframe oscilloscopes. It is a swept front end analyzer that displays absolute amplitude information of signals within the frequency span of 0 Hz to 1.8 GHz. Time domain characteristics, within a 3 MHz bandpass, can also be displayed.