Starrett 452B 52339
Cylinder Gage 6"

Order #: 452B

Mfg #: 52339

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Starrett 452B 52339

Cylinder Gage 6"

Order #: 452B

Mfg #: 52339

Availability: Ships in 3-4 weeks

Product Highlights

These convenient, easy-to-use gages are used to determine taper and out-of-roundness of bores, offering a quick and accurate way to show your customer whether new rings or reconditioning is necessary. The ranges are achieved by the use of two measuring contact rods. The gage is easily and accurately set to a micrometer. 2 1/2-6" Range, .001" Grad, 0-100 Dial Reading.

Win a Generac Generator when purchasing $750 or more from Transcat.Win a Generac Generator when purchasing $750 or more from Transcat.