Ametek - M&G PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Deadweight Tester .015 Percent Accuracy
Order #: PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Mfg #: PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Ametek - M&G PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Deadweight Tester .015 Percent Accuracy
Order #: PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Mfg #: PK2-404WC-SS-1A
Availability: Ships in 3-4 weeks
Product Highlights
- Accuracy to ±0.015% of Indicated reading Accuracy ±0.025 and 0.050% is also available
- Repeateability ±0.005% of indicated reading
- Available units psi, g/cm2, mbar, bar, kPa, inH2O,
- cmH2O
- Special Calibrations/Local Gravity
- Gas Industry Models
- Floating Ball Operation
- Self-Regulating
- Rugged Ceramic Measuring Ball
- Overhung Weight Carrier
- Non-Contaminating Test Fluid
- Closed Cover Operation
- Ball Valves for Inlet and Outlet
- Interchangeable Weights
- NIST Traceable